i’m not convinced software is a net good to the world

2024-10-04 00:18:18 UTC

“oh it’s probably like 4am”

it was actually 6am 🙃

2024-09-29 13:12:32 UTC

i’m not not a theater kid

2024-09-18 02:05:06 UTC

you can’t tell me neurotypicals invented the computer

2024-09-17 23:27:34 UTC

entropy, amirite?

2024-09-17 22:00:58 UTC

is 1.5g of shrooms a “microdose”?

2024-09-17 21:51:03 UTC

i can’t not stan BART

2024-09-17 21:16:00 UTC

ah, they’re gonna fuckin’ lobotomize me

2024-09-17 03:18:18 UTC

“what am i not thinking about?” is the question to ask

2024-09-17 02:59:19 UTC

man, we were talking about new york today at work today and we didn’t even mention 9/11

smh pay some respect 😔

2024-09-12 01:33:28 UTC

do you wanna know what kind of dog it is or do you wanna pet it?

2024-09-10 06:08:25 UTC

i dunno i just feel like i kinda give off the vibe where it’s not implausible i would be into incest.

2024-09-09 05:40:21 UTC

can i put “bitch-ass motherfucker” as my position on LinkedIn?

2024-09-09 05:17:14 UTC

what if burrito, but approximately pizza flavored?

2024-09-08 03:30:45 UTC

we’re just not thinking in enough dimensions!!!

like, how many dimensions are you thinking in now, 5? we need to be at like, at least 12.

2024-08-20 03:09:26 UTC

let myself

2024-08-20 03:07:26 UTC

sorry, i’m too dissociated to do work right now.

2024-08-02 23:01:20 UTC

“oh you have a collar? your mommy walks you? basic.”

this post is dog girl slander

2024-07-31 07:35:02 UTC

yes, i would brat the US Attorney’s Office

2024-07-27 06:07:40 UTC

who would be doing business at 11pm on a friday? besides us cuz we’re stupid

2024-07-27 06:06:04 UTC

i think i’m more of a software mechanic than a software engineer

2024-07-16 21:45:05 UTC

who needs a therapist when you have a sock puppet

2024-07-10 01:17:36 UTC

“i’m not gonna kill myself. i’m gonna kill everyone else… and then myself.”

— real thoughts in my brain

that, for legal reasons, i have no intentions of acting on

2024-07-04 07:39:02 UTC

i worked at a bullshit scam AI startup in 2018 before it was cool


2024-07-04 01:46:20 UTC

the worst part about having great funny passwords to things is i can’t tell them to anybody

on the one hand, using long pass phrases is more secure because i’m introducing more entropy, but on the other hand, it’s less secure because i think i’m hilarious and really wanna tell people.

2024-07-02 21:33:49 UTC

“There are many bugs in here.”

— me, in my living room

2024-07-02 06:55:05 UTC

“bitch i hate you”


2024-06-30 10:42:27 UTC

“yes, i would describe the erection i am having as ‘feminine’.”

2024-06-30 08:50:26 UTC

the best thing about getting an orchi is i get to say “it’s my first time ____ without testicles” about everything for a while now

2024-06-21 18:29:25 UTC

sanity is overrated

2024-06-06 08:48:51 UTC

you know what actually I hate Python

for just so many reasons

2024-05-28 17:24:01 UTC

#just work thoughts

this thing fucking sucks so I volunteered to fix it because i hate myself


this thing annoyed me so I didn’t do it which caused this other thing to happen so how do we fix the thing that annoys me so that that other thing doesn’t happen again

2024-05-15 01:29:38 UTC

god when the trans communists rise up and execute all the cis people imma feel real bad about my manager

he’s just a cool dude

2024-05-14 05:28:42 UTC

how the fuck did we get here

is todays (probably reoccurring) shroomspost

2024-05-10 21:09:11 UTC

I don’t believe in God anymore.

Sorry, I’m GAY!

2024-05-04 01:44:56 UTC

coworker: what is trainpilled?

me: trainpilled is when you think taking an 18 hour train ride to Portland is better than a 2 hour flight.

2024-05-03 10:50:43 UTC

I do business software. Unfortunately.

cries in money

2024-04-30 09:41:28 UTC

“You know, in some ways, miraculous is a femdom anime”

— a thing, I said

2024-04-28 10:52:38 UTC

computers are problematic, but cool

2024-04-26 21:15:48 UTC

“see, i know where things are”

— me to myself after walking to the living room and picking an oven mitt up off the floor

2024-04-21 08:38:40 UTC

“ok so I know it sounds crazy… and it is crazy… but there is a reason”

— me trying to convince myself that I’m fine, actually

2024-04-21 08:37:17 UTC

having facial piercings actually makes you a better programmer

2024-02-23 06:33:03 UTC

goals achieved.

my hair is finally long enough that it can tastefully cover my nipples

2024-02-12 08:10:05 UTC

but, ok, like… time?


2024-02-09 05:45:11 UTC

give me containers or give me death

it’s 2024 why are we still running applications in non-containerized environments

2024-02-07 23:21:22 UTC

“- oh god fuck”

— actual note I made about some of our infrastructure at work

2024-02-06 00:03:41 UTC

i feel like final solutions are never a good idea

2024-02-02 04:27:49 UTC

yo, fucking lock me in a school bus

2024-02-02 04:19:17 UTC

sorry, i’m not dissociated enough to do work right now

2024-02-02 01:36:46 UTC

i should’ve done drugs today

2024-02-01 18:51:01 UTC

ok here's a thought: what if i turn my lies into reality?

that makes it better, right?

2024-02-01 02:04:00 UTC

question: what the fuck?

2024-02-01 00:59:08 UTC

not a fan of being awake

just let me sleep forever

god i have so many posts on here that are slightly concerning - i’m fine though

2024-01-30 20:24:53 UTC

just accept that you will never be as cool as lisp

lisp is cooler than all of us

2024-01-27 04:39:47 UTC

yo i got 200GB of raw lain on my hard drive


2024-01-26 23:11:59 UTC

i’m already 2 people might as well add a third

2024-01-21 05:49:36 UTC

reality is what I say it is

— philosophy from One Piece

2024-01-21 04:53:49 UTC

god, fucking lain got me questioning reality

i’m not going crazy and/or losing my mind, i swear

2024-01-20 05:43:52 UTC

“give me back my 158 tabs”

— me @ chrome after it crashes

2024-01-18 08:39:25 UTC

“i’m not crazy. well, i am crazy, but not for this.”

i have this thought too much

2024-01-17 21:11:46 UTC

had to talk to my therapist about the song i’m writing called “slit my wrists and bleed out in the bathtub” 🙃

no i’m fine really, i’m making music about it instead of actually doing it

2024-01-16 21:47:31 UTC

i need to order drugs. but like, the legal kind.

2024-01-14 17:09:13 UTC

are we gonna divide my life into the pre- and post-lain eras

anyways, let’s all love lain

2024-01-14 14:35:36 UTC

who wants to hear from me at 4am and on drugs?

i dunno this is a real question sign up if you’re interested

2024-01-14 12:14:58 UTC

I’m almost 30, I shouldn’t be a lainpilled femcel

2024-01-11 04:41:56 UTC

I haven’t showered this year

2024-01-10 05:45:27 UTC

“LinkedIn’s a fucking freak”

2024-01-07 05:20:41 UTC

“Hey govcloud let me fuck you up.”

2024-01-06 02:51:33 UTC

“I mean i feel like I’ve already been in some cults so…”

no context

2024-01-05 03:13:03 UTC

IntelliJ don't suck challenge: impossible

I get making an IDE is hard but like come on

2024-01-04 01:27:08 UTC

“i am soooo fucked up right now. And by fucked up i mean completely normal.”

this is just my existence

2024-01-03 05:52:25 UTC

my financial planning is i’m gonna die when i’m 30

this is a joke pls do not 5150 me

2024-01-02 19:21:04 UTC

playing this game about a girl going to her therapist and I’m like “ah fuck, that’s relatable”.

spoiler: the game ends with the girl shooting her therapist and then herself but I swear that wasn’t the relatable part

2023-12-31 11:24:23 UTC

“hey *redacted*, are you stupid?”

— me out loud @ my coworkers when I’m working from home and no one can hear me

2023-12-29 20:03:20 UTC

me: I should do this thing I wanna do

my brain: but what if you’re a stupid loser who should kill yourself?

thanks brain, very cool

2023-12-28 03:03:20 UTC

I’m so grateful for this website.

It’s so nice to just have a place where I can throw all the random shit that’s going on in my life and it’s all my own*.

*this shit is hosted on a cloud server I rent and do not own/fully control so I should probably invest in some backup strategies for the inevitable time this server shits itself a fat one and dies 💩

2023-12-19 23:11:01 UTC

“I hate everything and wanna kill myself. It’s fine.”

but fr tho I’m chillin I just can’t stop these thoughts

2023-12-19 23:05:03 UTC

me (to myself): Is this a good idea?

also me: Hell yeah I had a great time breaking down and crying last time let’s do it again!

— thoughts from a totally normal and emotionally healthy individual

2023-12-19 19:48:13 UTC

Who wants to be my accountability partner and see all the furry porn I look at?

2023-12-19 07:52:56 UTC

Where the fuck are all my bowls?

I swear I have more than 2…

that should give you a good idea of the state of my apartment right now

and, by proxy, my current mental state

I’m thriving

2023-12-19 03:36:38 UTC

I don’t know shit about fuck

can’t believe that one hasn’t made it on the website before

2023-12-18 07:22:41 UTC

“Fuck I don’t need this right now I already have enough reasons to think I’m losing my mind”

— me trying to find the tab I was just on in one of my 50,000 open browser tabs

2023-12-12 23:30:38 UTC

These problems aren’t gonna resolve themselves. Unfortunately.

uggh fuck

2023-12-12 22:41:48 UTC

“What the fuck?”

— me, about everything, all the time

2023-12-12 22:28:13 UTC

Man, what the fuck is all this? What the fuck is this fucking world we live in?

— listening to an engineering manager talk about GitHub Copilot while on just like, way more shrooms than I really should be when I’m ostensibly supposed to be working

Edit: might redact this later, take ur screenshots now for posterity

2023-12-12 21:25:38 UTC

How do I communicate to others the drug-fueled existential nightmare that is my life?

Currently soliciting opinions, submit your feedback now!

2023-12-12 21:08:48 UTC

You ever just wanna like, fuckin’ go nonverbal?

Cuz I do

2023-12-12 20:34:05 UTC

This is all extremely relevant to my life, and it should not be

  • on Cyberpunk 2077
2023-12-12 19:41:46 UTC

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? Lowest tier: coffee

No, I don’t have a problem.

2023-12-05 18:14:35 UTC

This site is basically like my Twitter except I don’t wanna interact with people, I just wanna scream stuff into the void.

It’s better that way.

2023-12-05 18:12:36 UTC

I’m like “Shut up, Gandhi.”

2023-12-04 00:19:28 UTC

Steph? Fake gamer.

2023-11-29 09:26:49 UTC

oh sorry, I keep forgetting that my entire existence is hell


2023-11-12 21:51:51 UTC

Fuck you. You’ve done nothing but cause me problems, and it’s time I cut you out of my life.

— me @ my testicles

2023-11-06 19:34:52 UTC

What, you mean to tell me that shutting myself off from my problems by hiding in my room doesn’t make them magically go away? The fuck?

This game sucks

2023-11-06 08:06:01 UTC

I did this to myself

Why did I put myself in this situation where I have to think about performing femininity for a week? Oh I know, it’s cuz I wanted to ride the fucking train. Love trains.

2023-11-05 05:54:47 UTC

Fuck daylight savings

I’m already trans, I’ve got enough shit to deal with, now I got think about the first and second 2AM? Honestly transphobic.

2023-11-05 05:46:14 UTC

Using a new computer

So I’ve been moving over to a fresh new laptop that doesn’t have ~7 years of junk on it and today I had to install rustup so I could install Rust so I could install alacritty so I could install homebrew so I could install pyenv so I could install Python so I could install pipx so I could install yt-dlp so I could download this video so I could use it as a sample to make this. Also I used hombrew to install ffmpeg so I could convert the video to an audio file.

2023-10-28 07:27:35 UTC

Fuck outta here with your “philosophical analysis”, I’mma put waves in this shit

2023-10-24 06:12:12 UTC

I just need to accept that I *am* a hot mess.

Proof: this whole fucking website.

2023-10-24 05:10:19 UTC

Feeling wrong is wrong, right?

Yeah, right.

Edit: No, wrong. Feeling wrong is wrong is wrong, actually.

2023-10-24 05:09:42 UTC

Pssh, I need waaaay more therapy than that.

  • me to my other coworkers about our company’s “Mental Wellness” benefits covering 6 therapy sessions
2023-10-24 01:57:23 UTC

I just wanna drink coffee and cry

  • a not infrequent mood
2023-09-29 20:25:21 UTC

If I’m already going to be naked and in San Francisco, might as well go to Folsom ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edit: these plans derailed by a trip to the ER

2023-09-24 06:43:49 UTC

why does it smell like food in the kitchen?

2023-09-15 01:39:31 UTC

The more dish soap I taste the more it tastes like dish soap

2023-09-12 06:05:18 UTC

I’ve been putting my cereal in coffee this whole time and I didn’t even know

2023-09-12 06:04:32 UTC

oh, I need to talk to my therapist about magnets

Edit: and Steven Universe

2023-08-15 06:00:59 UTC

Why the fuck does the Sonic Frontiers soundtrack slap so hard?

I know I’m late to this but I never played the game, like a true Sonic fan

2023-07-26 06:24:22 UTC

“It’s fine don’t worry about it”

- me, about something I probably should worry about

2023-07-26 06:21:58 UTC

Mental stability is for fuckin’ losers 😎

yeah no I’m fine, why do you ask?

2023-07-26 06:20:34 UTC

i need to create a fursona for like, therapy reasons

2023-06-21 04:04:54 UTC

if you run me over, that’s a hate crime

2023-05-23 01:55:33 UTC

True feelings

There are some things I know I feel from the very depths of my soul and one of them is

Fuck TurboTax

2023-04-19 07:42:55 UTC

I'm not wrong for being who I am

this post brought to you by: mushrooms

2022-12-13 03:21:09 UTC



2022-11-17 09:22:20 UTC

words are hard

brain think lot things no make word describe brain thought much effort

2022-11-17 09:20:24 UTC

How am i doing?

How do I answer? My default state is hating myself and feeling like shit, but I’m not trying to broadcast that to the world. So most of the time I’ll say “good” or “fine” or “alright”. Maybe I should be more honest about it.

2022-11-14 07:58:16 UTC

it’s hard having to fight with myself all the time to just keep on living

but hey I’m here and still kickin’

2022-07-29 01:06:08 UTC

Pokémon really just came out and said “choose Mommy or Daddy”

2022-06-03 07:23:55 UTC

never imagined I’d be sticking this iPad up my ass when I got it, but here we are

I refuse to elaborate further.

2022-03-27 20:56:43 UTC

None is the terminal object in the category of Python types

2022-03-25 06:33:10 UTC


sometimes I wake up and I just can’t be happy

it’s like the part of my brain that can experience joy is turned off

or not turned off, but like trapped, locked away.

and the best i can possibly feel is nothing

2022-03-25 06:32:39 UTC

why do we call it "frontend" and "backend" when we could call it "top" and "bottom"

an important question

2022-03-25 06:27:41 UTC

the human instrumentality project did nothing wrong

we should all experience ego death and become one in the soul soup

2022-03-14 00:00:37 UTC

airplanes and blockchains and cars are all the same fucking thing

2022-02-12 03:02:34 UTC

haha it works

trans rights

2022-01-09 09:48:15 UTC